Research & Development

This section explores creativity in product innovation with research and development across different industry sectors. Some projects are ongoing in partnership with brands and investors.

Digital Equity Software:
Non Bias Interview

Creating inclusion and equality using digital solutions to outsmart instinctual responses. Non Bias Interview is sn interview software program that combats unconscious bias in the recruitment process. Live feed visuals and sound are overwritten by a generic avatar and voice of no race, gender or nationality.

Product Design:

An outdoor umbrella series with an acoustic dampening layer, creating neighbourhood harmony by reducing backyard or balcony banter traveling.

Product & Service: Pawscription

With anxiety issue on the rise, Tend aim to reduce the liberal repeat prescribing of mental health medications by increasing access to rescue animals. Petting animals is proving to raise dopamine levels and calm nerves. Doctors can now prescribe a 60 pack treat box instead of pills and a playtime slot in a local rescue.

Chrome Plug in:
Micro Cart

Micro Cart is a google browser plug in that filters products on shopping sites by highlighting hidden plastics that can effect your health. Now shoppers can make more informed buying decisions with recommended alternatives and pre-populated MicroCart pop ups flagging better product options.

research & Development